Excellence in Customer Service Training
Excellence in Customer Service training is a two part series designed to provide municipal treasury managers and staff with the skills you need to provide strong internal and external customer service to your colleagues and your constituents. The two sessions are held independently throughout the year as virtual, online training. The training is interactive - the sessions are live and attendees can ask questions and receive real-time answers and feedback. While we suggest that you take part one first, it is not a prerequisite to taking the second session. Sessions are offered independently and cost $49 for members or $69 for non-members (cost is per session). All attendees receive a certificate of completion after taking a brief quiz to ensure their attendance. See the event calendar on the right for upcoming sessions. Customer Service Core Skills: part one of the Excellence in Customer Service training program is designed to provide a solid foundation of providing high level service in a municipal based customer service setting. Attendees will learn:
Advanced Customer Service: part two of the Excellence in Customer Service training program will provide second tier skills that are applicable to all staff and managers: identifying and learning the practical tools to navigate difficult interactions with confidence and professionalism. Attendees will learn: